A Message for Sean and Company
2025 The Year of Leading the Way
Sean and company, we wanted to share a message on what we see happening in 2025 and beyond
First off, Merry Christmas to you and your family, friends and colleagues. We do pray that you have a blessed year in 2025. I wanted to share some of my partner's stories with you, your family and with Madison. In the package you'll find snippets of fan mail detailing how these stories have impacted lives.
We agree that the success and power of an important venture into faith film relies on distribution. Sridhar and I have taken the time to reconstruct the specific steps that mini major studios like STX Entertainment have taken to build their company. Even before STX was tied to Lionsgate there were steps taken by the founders of the company that built the foundation for their current status. Similar steps have happened with other companies.
We have a clear sense of the assets needed to establish an investable film endeavor that provides a significant return to investors and partners. We'll be using some of the same tactics that Sridhar used in building UTV to a billion dollar sale.
Sufficient investment (we're working on a proposal for UTV's founder that would seed the beginning of the company.
Apart from his investment we want to discuss how we might be equal partners on this venture
Content and IP. While content is available in droves, content that has already proven to connect with audiences is not always as plentiful. We have our pick of several hundred IPs that have proven to have an audience.
Ability to deliver a flow of content. We have developed relationships and a slate of like minded filmmakers that have a track record of delivering multiple films each year.
Studio relationship and vision. While we all have relationships at the major studios, the groundwork that we have been putting in puts us in a good position to secure a significant output deal. An output deal would allow us to leverage and multiply our above assets as we build the foundation to be able to set up our own worldwide channels of distribution. This would eventually allow us to be self sustainable outside of the major studio environment as we build our own mini major.
There are many steps and tactics that we would be available to discuss in the new year. For now, we see the possibilities for a venture with you that could set a new standard in the industry.
Blessings to you all, let's attempt things that are out of our reach so that it's apparent that God was involved when they come to fruition.
Paul, Bill, Sridhar and the rest of the team